See you next time.

So, I have done my upload on every menus, it’s all based on our theme “Friendship”.

I hope that you guys will like it. Just press any menus and they will show you want you want to search for. Perhaps, type the words on the bar at the right to look for what you want to.

Thank You so much, peeps. Hope to see you guys again.

Next comeback, I shall bring the theme “Family”.

Stay Tuned.

All about that Friendship

When I say “Friendship”, what do you think of it? What can you think you can learn under this theme?

Here are some introduction to you guys 🙂

I have set the theme “friendship” as my first theme for my wordpress. Going through all the menus, you will find out that it is all about friendship.

For Notes, yeah, just some notes of the grammar items and 4 language skills for you guys to refer, so that you can know what are the focus on doing the exercises under every themes and have an idea of  grammar and language skills.

For exercises, you can have a try on every exercises and activities listed. It is to explore more about the theme “friendship” and enhance your thinking skills and creativity.

For Play Station, yup, there are 4 drop down, including activities, dancing, short clips and songs. Isn’t it boring that your learning just full with notes and exercises? So, I add some entertainment here that related to our theme “Friendship”. As long as you feel bored or tired, perhaps click on any pages that you like and watch it. You can work out them with your friends too. So that it can create your friendship with your buddies as well as let you explore more on the theme “Friendship”. It isn’t only focus on learning, but also playing so that both are balanced in learning something new.

For Quiz, yup, be bold and try it! Show your guts on shooting the answer perfectly. It’s all about friendship too. Check it out, peeps.

Another 2 columns are my coursework and reference. Under my coursework, there are two drop down on my coursework, which are video material and essay. Yes, my friends and I have done a video on friendship too, which suited to our theme. For the essay part, it actually not that related to our theme as it is about evaluating friends’ wordpress. Perhaps, you can look on my blogroll and click on any of them. You will find out more awesome people who do their wordpress well under different themes and ideas designed. You can view my essay too if you don’t mind.

Last menu is the reference. I put it into 2 parts, including Topic Chosen and Coursework Reference. For Topic Chosen, you can know more about friendship through books, articles, movies and stories. They helps to develop your mind thinking on our theme “friendship” and make you feel how appreciative friendship is. Those are the suggested list, do hope that you guys can take a look on it. Whereas, for coursework reference, yup, since this is my coursework, I put all the references link here. So that, you can know where to find the source in case you need them.

I hope you guys enjoy viewing my wordpress with the theme “Friendship”.